Union des Français de Grande-Bretagne

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Vendredi 17 octobre 2014 : Rudolf Steiner House (visite)

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In the face of increasing global challenges, Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925) pointed to the need for a spiritual renewal of western culture, in areas including education, agriculture, medicine, economics, the sciences, religion and the arts. Today there are literally thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and other organisations doing practical work based on his insights. He offered a comprehensive path of spiritual development and research, which when pursued can contribute to the creation of a more humane world.


Nous visiterons la Maison et pourrons admirer  son architecture Art Nouveau. La visite sera suivie d’une belle promenade à travers  Regent’s  Park et d’un thé au Pavillon près du théâtre.

Rendez-vous : 14 heures au métro Baker Street  (sortie coté Baker Street)

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